Saturday 7 June 2008

Fight against Global Warming....

Plant a Tree n
... Fight against Global Warming....

Plant a Tree
... Save Mother Earth ...

Plant a Tree
... Save Mother Earth ...

Plant a Tree n
... Every body can help to stop pollution ...
n decrease Global Warming impact

Our mission... connect to person to person
and plat a tree by person to person... n create awareness about global warming...
... Save Mother Earth ...


  1. Noble Peace Price to IPCC ..
    This years noble peace price has been awarded jointly to Mr. Al Gore and IPCC. A great moment for all those who are working with the global aim of saving Mother Earth from Global Warming. This move itself indicates the seriouseness of the issue at international level and definitely have supported us a lot to work more enthusiastically in this area

  2. Bangaladesh affected by Sidr...
    Bangaladesh recently got affected by Sidr.... @ 2000 people died and 1000 lost in sea.... this is offcial news....hidden no may be different..... as per the latest report which says poor countries like Bangladesh will be amongst the mostly affected countries of the Global warming effects....!! Need to do something guys....!! this is just a begining .....!!

  3. PCC fourth assement report on Global warming :
    Few Highlights of Dr Pachuri's speech at the event of IPCC fourth assement report on Global warming :

    Increasing Sea Level Rise
    • Rate of global average sea level rise has risen from 1.8mm/yr to 3.1mm/yr from 1961 to
    • The reasons for sea level rise has been due to thermal expansion, melting glaciers & ice caps and the polar ice sheets
    • Projected sea level rise at the end of the 21st Century will be 18-59 cm

    Anthropogenic warming would lead to some impacts that are abrupt or irreversible
    • Partial loss of ice sheets on ice polar land could imply:
    – metres of sea level rise
    – Major changes in coastlines and inundation of low-lying areas
    – Great effects in river deltas and low-lying islands

    Equity Issues
    • Africa by 2020:
    – Between 75 & 250 million people projected to be exposed increased water stress
    – In some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture would be reduced by 50%
    • Asia by 2050s:
    – Freshwater availability is projected to decrease
    – Coastal areas, especially heavily-populated mega delta regions will be greatest risk from sea flooding
    • Small Island States:
    – Sea Level rise is expected to exacerbate inundation, storm surge, erosion and other coastal hazards threatening vital infrastructure
    – By mid-century reduced water resources in many small island states

  4. One new proof.....very near to capital of Maharashtra..
    Mumbai recorded the lowest temperature of last 10 years in this Winter 2008... this seems to be one of the sign which clearly shows how the atmospheric changes are taking place around us and affecting our lives slowly. We need to wake!!
